I keep finding myself saying, “what bizarre times we are living.” The truth is that we are all facing extraordinary circumstances that ad layers of stress to our day to day. Whether we are caring for others, struggling with work/family balance, navigating our daily routine and new normal, our emotions can be all over the place. While some days are better than others, self-care is of utmost importance during this time. Reducing stress not only helps us move forward with peace of mind but is also crucial for our immune system to ward off illness and for our bodies to be healthy.


DYI Chinese Medicine for Stress Reduction:


You can do this anywhere and at any time. Deep breathing is one of the best ways to help lower stress and relax the body. When you take deep breaths, you send messages to your brain that say ‘calm down and relax’ which then send messages to your body. If your exhale takes longer than your inhale, you are sending messages to your Vagus Nerve (a nerve that runs from your neck to your diaphragm) which sends a signal to your brain to turn up your parasympathetic nervous system. This results in reducing the fight or flight response, much like the relaxation achieved during an acupuncture treatment. The fun part is the more you practice, the more your body will automatically do this on its own.

In Chinese Medicine, proper rest and movement is crucial to our health.

There are wonderful healing properties in herbal teas. Whether you have a Chinese herbal formula already prepared or your favorite store bought tea, sitting with a warm healing beverage can be soothing and create a sense of calm.

Moving the body is a powerful healing tool. Taking a walk activates your deepest meridians and energies. Walking for 30 to 60 minutes a day can dissolve stress, improve brain function, tone your muscles, improve lymphatic function, support digestive health and so much more.

Many find that sticking to a daily routine is helpful in managing stress levels while improving mental health and lessening anxiety. Having more predictability with the small things that we do have control over can help combat the anxiety we often feel with so many larger unknowns that remain out of our control. Maintaining a schedule may help you feel more focused, help to connect you to your self-care in a positive way, and to feel a sense of accomplishment.

We all need each other to feel connected. Reaching out to a friend via phone or zoom can remind us that we are not alone in our experience.

As a practitioner of acupuncture and Chinese herbal Medicine I am here to support you. If in office acupuncture treatments are not comfortable for you at this time, there is the option of virtual wellness visits!

In a virtual visit we will discuss your health concerns via online platform or phone. We will create your own unique self-care routine and at home treatments specific to your needs. We may discuss treatment options such as Chinese herbal medicine (a natural way to heal a multitude of ailments as well as mitigate side effects of other medications), supplements, vitamins, guided acupressure prescriptions, guided tui-na (Chinese Massage), essential oils, lifestyle & nutritional recommendations and more!

‘Chinese Medicine views the body as a garden.  As gardens cycle with the seasons, our bodies do as well.  Spring is the time of growth and renewal.  It’s a perfect time to cleanse and rejuvenate health and wellness.’



Spring Is In The Air!

Spring is a favorite season of mine! During springtime the air has a certain vibrance, clarity, and newness. When we think of spring, we think of flowers blooming again, nature regrowth, and clear expansive skies. This also applies to Chinese Medicine philosophy. Springtime represents outward moving energy, rebirth, cleansing, and a time of restoration.

The organ system that is predominant during the spring is the liver. The liver is responsible for the smooth flow and movement of qi or energy in the body. When the liver energy is flowing smoothly, physical and emotional energy flow smoothly as well.

Suggestions For Optimal Health in Spring~

Move Your Qi (Energy) By Moving Your Body!

It can be something as simple as taking the dog for a walk, going for a bike ride, yoga, gardening, or any activity that you love. Stretching can awaken the expansive energy within your body!


Some opt to do a cleanse during this time, however I do not necessarily recommend this for everyone. Making conscious food choices are important by eating whole foods (things that grow). The Liver loves green and sour foods. Drinking lemon water, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or eating leafy greens, artichoke, dandelion, and milk thistle tea will improve the liver’s overall function and make it very happy.


It is a perfect time for a treatment if you are feeling irritable, depressed, stressed, allergies flaring up, have itchy eye symptoms, are experiencing pms, dizziness, or feeling sluggish. Your liver may need some help getting unstuck. Acupuncture is wonderful for this, as well as for prevention of disease, and for overall health and well being. Other complimentary modalities can be used as well!

Happy Chinese New Year 2019! It's the Year of the Pig!

Wishing You Health, Peace, Love and Prosperity in the New Year!

chinese year

Dear Friends,

We have been through so much. It's time to grieve, process, come together, and heal.

The acupuncture office is now open!

On Wednesday 11/21/18 we are offering sliding scale acupuncture treatments to those in the community by appointment.

Acupuncture treatments will be focused on the individual and great for helping the body cope with trauma, stress, insomnia, and pain. These are individual 30-minute mini sessions by appointment and limited until full. Please email to schedule or for any questions.

We are in this together,

Jennifer Rose Acupuncture


Although there isn't a one size fits all answer to coping with anxiety, here is a link to a Huffington Post article on some lifestyle changes that have helped people. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can also help treat anxiety and other emotional imbalances with much success!

"17 ‘Small,’ But Significant, Lifestyle Changes That Help People With Anxiety"

Happy Summer!

Summer is the season filled with abundant, creative, outward energy. It's the most Yang time of year.

According to Chinese Medicine and Taoist philosophy, the element of summer is fire, the color is red, the sound is laughter, and the emotion is joy. The organs associated with the season are the heart, small intestine, pericardium (heart protector), and the san jiao (in energetic terms represents the upper, middle, and lower parts of the body: breathing, digesting, and eliminating).  It is said that the ‘heart houses the mind or ‘shen’ which is also known as the spirit.’

It is important for the organs to remain in balance for health and well being.  When the fire element is in balance, one may feel relaxed and energized.  If there is an imbalance one may experience depression, mania, heartburn, agitation, blood pressure issues, joint pain, or insomnia.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help with any imbalance or unease that you are experiencing, support your immune system, and give you energy. Other suggestions to remain in harmony with the summer season:


May all beings be free from suffering.

May all brings be peaceful, safe, & happy.

May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature.

May all beings be free.


We are excited to announce that we are now booking appointments at the Westlake Village office! Now local to the Thousand Oaks and the Conejo Valley areas! Please contact Jennifer Rose Acupuncture for more information!


Office Address:
31822 Village Center Road, Suite 101
Westlake Village, CA 91361
(Off Greengate Court & Agoura Road, near the Westlake Village Golf Course)

Please also visit us on:



Jennifer Rose, LAc
email: Info@JenniferRoseAcupuncture.com
web: www.JenniferRoseAcupuncture.com
phone: 818-297-8510



Jennifer Rose Acupuncture Needle Blog

Sometimes patients who receive injections from hypodermic needles (the common doctors office shot) fear that acupuncture will be painful. Acupuncture needles are flexible, thin, and compared to the size of human hair. About 30 acupuncture needles can fit into the opening of a hypodermic needle! Some experience no sensation while others feel when the needle stimulates the qi (body energy). Slight tingling and warmth is completely normal and most learn quickly how relaxing acupuncture can be!


3625 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd.
Suite 114
Westlake Village, CA 91362


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